Labels for individual bars in bar plot, passed to barplot. If names(height)
is NULL, bars are numbered.
If TRUE, horizontal lines at critical values are added to the plot.
These are calculated by link{qmsd} based on supplied values of
probs, n and multiple.
lty.crit, col.crit, lwd.crit
Vectors of line style parameters for plotted critical values, passed to
segments. Recycled to the length of critical.values
in the supplied bootMSD object.
vector of probabilities at which critical values are drawn.
integer number of observations for critical value calculation; passed to
For the barplot method, critical values are ‘single-observation’ quantiles.
For use as an outlier test, use probabilities adjusted for multiple comparison;
for example, for the barplot method, consider raising the default probs
to the power \(1/n\).